Paperpie Card Boxes for Evan’s Monumental Gifts

From our friend Stephenie Borzok of Paperpie Books. “Hi Friends! Hopefully everyone is staying warm! We have about 6 inches (give or take) of snow here in PA! Today was my husband’s, Alex Borzok, birthday.My daughter came to me and asked if she could make a birthday card for daddy. We gave her some paper and crayons and that wasn’t cutting it ( toddlers IYKYK). So, I told her I had some cards upstairs.We looked through my card boxes and she was soo excited and picked like 10! 🤣 She then picked a nice card that had a knight and dragon, went downstairs and colored the inside (picture later). I was so thankful I have a stash of cards for pretty much anything.I love sharing these card boxes with others because they are such great quality, for only $32 a box (includes tax).Starting today, through the end of the month, I will be Evan’s Monumental Gifts Inc from every box will be donated to Evan’s Monumental Gifts Inc. This organization helps families in western PA financially provide a proper headstone for their deceased child.To learn more about Evan’s Monumental Gifts-visit their Facebook page here: place a card box order-fill out this form no later than 1/29.”


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