Our 2023 toy drive in memory of Evan was a huge success! With my estimated 4000-5000 collected toys, we were able to help 207 children with 10 gifts a piece,…
http://gofundme.com/s73sg4-funeral-expenses-for-joe-brady SHARED FROM KIARA Bollinger This is something personal for me. My friend's husband passed away a few days ago. He had two young kids. I feel its just the…
On December 8th the wonderful people of Ellwood donated $702.87 to us at Evan's Monumental Gifts during Christmas in the park! We are beyond grateful and appreciative for your generosity!
52 donation bins have all been picked up and sorted. Our toy distribution to foster parents in our community will be happening soon! We are so excited to be able…
We are still collecting toys for local foster children in memory of baby Evan until December 10th. Thank you to all the local businesses who have already filled up bins…